Ever wonder how a spider so nonchalantly ambles around its own web without being trapped?
Each spider produces a variety of silk depending on its function. Some strong, some sticky and in the case of the golden orb-weaver some developed by the male to give his potential mate a back rub (look up mate binding!). #ForeplayMonday
As you may have guessed by now, the strong non sticky lines are used to build a framework, usually starting with a Y shape and eventually resembling the spokes in a wheel.
Once this is complete, it builds a temporary 'auxiliary' spiral to stabilize the structure. It then proceeds to weave the final sticky spiral into the framework as it simultaneously removes the auxiliary web and coats the sticky line with glue! Multi-tasking like you're probably doing while reading this post! #ProductiveMonday
Finally, to now understand the spider's movement itself, imagine a large bicycle wheel on the floor and a spider on it playing 'the floor is lava'.
A shout out to Gowri Varanashi for getting us to think about spiders first thing in the morning. If there's something that you'd like to know more about in the sea or on eight legs, drop us an email with your question through the contact link below (once we've answered your question, you can reward us with cute dog videos. Thanks!)